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Souls Harbor and KM Ministries hosted and operated Activity Night for Adults with Disabilities for approximately two years. Dr. McClendon’s vision was to provide a safe haven and caring environment to individuals that most likely would have no other established outlet to have fun, interact with others, and provide them a place to gather on a Friday night with supervision. Dr. McClendon belief is that adults with intellectual disabilities face many challenges. Although some are able to work and be relatively self-sufficient, others require more guidance, supervision and care. Recreation and leisure activities, particularly those that foster social bonds and friendships, are critical to support the quality of life in people with disabilities. Activities can help adults with disabilities reach their potential, both physically and mentally. Playing games, singing, playing bingo, bowling, art, and other activities are activities that can be fun and health and mind provoking. Adults with disabilities who volunteer to participate in Activity Night are encouraged to participate at least every other Friday Night for 75 minutes of age-appropriate activities. We offer music and Karaoke to improve physical and emotional health, known as music therapy, is another helpful tool for adults with disabilities. Activities also include simple things such as clapping hands or tapping feet to music or participating in sing-a-longs. Music stimulates the senses, and can help to improve an individual’s mental, social and emotional well-being. Adults with disabilities often respond well to art. Art provides a means of expressing feelings and emotions, particularly when the person is unable to — or unwilling to — articulate these to others. Art also encourages creativity and can be used to entertain adults of all ages. Watercolors, canvas or fabric painting, educational coloring books for adults, scrap booking or making jewelry from beads are just some of the art activities that may be enjoyable and are offered during Activity Night. Adults with disabilities benefit from social interaction — forming friendships and feeling a part of the community around them. Many activities that were offered were geared towards connecting adults with disabilities to existing social networks such as community activities. 
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